這程式是用來產生gsoap的程式,輸入網址和要命名的名稱,就會產生出gsoap c++的檔案,再把檔案放到專案上編譯即可:
import os strURL = raw_input("tell me the url ") strHeadFileName = raw_input("tell me the head file ") # 記得要把路徑改掉 strImportDir = "C:\\gsoap-2.7\\gSOAP\\import\\" strExeDir = "C:\\gsoap-2.7\\gsoap\\bin\\win32\\" strURL += "?wsdl" strExeNameList = ["" , ""] strParamList = ["" , ""] strExeNameList[0] = strExeDir + "wsdl2h.exe" strExeNameList[1] = strExeDir + "soapcpp2.exe" strParamList[0] = "-N" + strHeadFileName + " -o" + strHeadFileName + ".h" + " " + strURL strParamList[1] = "-C -w -x -I" + strImportDir + " " + strHeadFileName+ ".h" iLen = len(strExeNameList) for i in range(iLen): strCmd = strExeNameList[i] + " " + strParamList[i] print strCmd os.system( strCmd )再來這程式就是MySQL轉SQLite了,要安裝MySQLdb這模組,sqlite3在python 2.5以上都是內建的,還有,我只轉換一個table而已,有需要的就自行增加,編碼也要注意,我之前沒注意到,搞得轉出來的中文字都變亂碼..OTL:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys,os import string import MySQLdb import sqlite3 as sqlite # change to match your mysql server account: bibusdb = "ec_scenic_db" mysqlhost = "localhost" mysqluser = "root" mysqlpasswd = "97381687" # output SQLite file: destfile = "ec_scenic_db.db" # Create Table SqliteTabs = """ BEGIN TRANSACTION; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "admin_title"; CREATE TABLE admin_title ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL primary key autoincrement,ATID VARCHAR(10) default NULL COLLATE SQLITE_UTF8,ATname VARCHAR(10) default NULL COLLATE SQLITE_UTF8,ATstatus VARCHAR(1) default NULL COLLATE SQLITE_UTF8); COMMIT; """ print "connecting to MySQL db..." try: conn1 = MySQLdb.connect(host = mysqlhost,user =mysqluser,passwd = mysqlpasswd,db = bibusdb,use_unicode=True,charset="utf8") except MySQLdb.Error, e: print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]) sys.exit (1) c1 = conn1.cursor() c1.execute ("USE " + bibusdb) print "connecting to SQlite db..." conn2 = sqlite.connect(destfile) c2 = conn2.cursor() c2.executescript(SqliteTabs) # Insert Data print "querying admin_title table..." c1.execute("SELECT * FROM admin_title ORDER BY ID") res = c1.fetchall() print "copying admin_title table..." query = u"INSERT INTO admin_title VALUES(" for x in res[0] : query = query + '?,' query = query[0:-1] + ')' for src in res : try: c2.execute(query,src) except: print "Error: " + query break print "commiting changes...." #close connection: c1.close() conn1.close() conn2.commit() c2.close() conn2.close()
還有個重點,當使用Mobile模擬器裝置時,若你用SQlite讀取的db檔不是存放在模擬器內部,只要你想要對此db做更新或修改的話,就會出現Disk I/O Error的錯誤訊息!
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